Home of the new Herschell Gordon Lewis projects

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Gore-met Script Update

So Jeff O'Brien has turned in his latest draft of the script and I can feel we're getting close. A few tweaks here and there and some minor productions issues addressed, and I think we'll be there.

That is until the first table reading and all the dialogue gets thrown out.

But, that's okay because that's the nature of screenplays - they are fluid documents - subject to change and evolution. They are revised to fit the plan (and in case you didn't get it, the plan is to make as kick-ass a movie as we possibly can).

I'm finding being an editor for the script is exercising a few mental muscles (and a few social skills) that I didn't know I posessed, telling a great story (what inspired all of us in the first place) on our budget. This has got some intense stuff in it - sick, gory, and damn funny - all at the same time. There's a reason this is filmed in Vomit-O-Vision (TM) - it will be a wild ride!

Does anyone know where I can rent a "Cleavage - Cam?"

-- Bill

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